Entrepreneurship and innovation
The entrepreneuriat makes reference to the process of development of new commercial enterprises or growth of existing enterprises. The entrepreneurs are to the c.ur of this activity: of the innovating individuals and taking the risks that try to bring the changes and new opportunities, at a time for themselves and for the business communities in which they operate.
The entrepreneurs play an important role in the starting, the trade and the economic growth in many countries. A key element of the mind of enterprise: it is the innovation. The innovation is an important previous condition to get a competitive advantage and to build a strong and lasting enterprise. The modern and flourishing enterprises require levels of constant innovation.
Steve Blank speaks of "four types of entrepreneuriat." Who is indeed an entrepreneur? He/it proves to be that four distinct types of entrepreneurial organizations exist; small enterprises, startups evolutive, big enterprises and social entrepreneurs. They enter all into the mind of enterprise. Yet, the entrepreneurs of a class think that the other are not the "true" entrepreneurs. His/her/its article examines the differences and the likeness and explain why has such a confusion.
The concepts of innovation and entrepreneuriat
The concepts of innovation and entrepreneuriat are bound incontestably:
The innovation is the specific tool of the entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit the change like an opportunity for a different enterprise or a different service. She/it is susceptible to be presented like a discipline, capable to be learned, capable to be practiced. The entrepreneurs must search for the sources of the innovation, the changes and their symptoms that indicate opportunities of successful innovation deliberately. And they need to know and to apply the principles of a successful innovation (Drucker, 1985, p. 19).
Drucker (1985) sustained that the innovation should be considered like an economic or social phenomenon rather than as one technological term. The innovation doesn't consist in making new inventions, but rather to recognize how to make use of the opportunities and changes: "The systematic innovation consists some therefore searches it for deliberate and organized of changes, and of it analyzes it systematic of the opportunities that these changes could offer social innovation" (p. 35). It is coherent with the opinion of Schumpeter (1934) according to which the innovation is born of new combinations of materials and strengths.
To understand the interrelation better between the innovation and the entrepreneuriat, we will examine at a time some of the constituent elements of the innovation and the successful entrepreneuriat.
"The entrepreneuriat has more to see with the attitude, the perseverance and the concentration. An entrepreneur can be a good innovator, but a person responsible of the innovation is not necessarily a good entrepreneur. "
Many texts on the innovation concentrate mainly on the big enterprises like Apple, but the innovation also exists in the small entrepreneurial enterprises. In the book that he/it co-wrote with his/its practiced colleague in innovation Philippe Silberzahn, the Balancing Act of Innovation, Walter explores some of the numerous enterprises of" small jewelry" that create with success a gap for themselves on their markets, as well as the way whose entrepreneurs can find and to exploit their own style of innovation. Walter explains in this video.
That a talent for the innovation is instinctive or something that refines itself thanks to the practice and to the experience, a thing that always helped to grease the wheels of the entrepreneurial creativeness is the technology. "The technology was, all along history, a major source of discontinuity. while displacing the historic operators and while replacing them by something faster, more big and better." The present technological progress, as the big dated, the IdO and the automatic training, allow henceforth whole networks of entrepreneurs to develop interconnected ideas.
"The new technologies are and were always a major source of innovation for the entrepreneurs", he/it says. "The distinctive characteristic of the new technologies is that they permit an innovation opened in the ecosystems of innovation. The Philips bulbs compatible IoTs are part of a platform henceforth that, in addition to give light, offer to the other the possibility to create the software that control it. "
And that he of the influence of the numeric channels is some? "It is difficult to think nowadays" about a commercial idea without any numeric presence, declare Fredrik. "However, a numeric strategy must always be based on the resolution of a true work for the customer, not only used for herself."
"You can create an entrepreneurial enterprise perfected without having the least idea of the numeric", affirm Walter. "There again, numerous numeric ideas arrive on the market thanks to strong entrepreneurs, and no because they are numeric."
Whatever is the role that the technology plays in a commercial enterprise, nothing can replace the fundamental knowledge and the set of expertises of which an entrepreneur will have need to succeed. These can be innate and can need to be perfected, or something again that must be learned, but in any case, our on line MBA can help you to reach them.