Innovation and design

We help companies develop innovative approaches and thus provide their customers with extraordinary experiences. Innovatively design experiences and services adapted to the changes in the behavior of your customers.
Your challenges
- Customers with new needs: Customers, informed in real time thanks to the Internet, prefer brands that know how to differentiate themselves and satisfy their customers in a personalized way. needs.
- Need for new business models: All players are tending to migrate from a single purchase model to a recurring revenue model by providing, in particular via digital , a service layer to their original products.This evolution of economic models most often causes a revolution in operating models.
- Need to save time: Overall, the digitization of exchanges and productivity gains have contributed to a form of acceleration of time.Similarly, the life cycle of products is undergoing a dizzying acceleration, causing a need for rapid renewal of offers and their design. to put on very quickly nt market offers once the opportunity has been detected.
- Need for profitability: Brands facing saturated or shrinking markets seek to diversify with the objective of finding new pockets of value. Innovation must therefore guarantee a development cycle where the risk/investment mix presents the most opportunities, with interesting ROI prospects.t.
Our approach
GET IN TOUCH WITH INNOVATION | – Monitor market trends – Build synergies between the ecosystem of start-ups, stakeholders and major groups – Develop partnerships or equity investments |
DEVELOP AN INNOVATION STRATEGY | – Frame the innovation process – Define the associated organization and governance – Support the development of internal innovation structures – Develop innovation structures (showrooms, lab, etc) |
DEVELOPING NEW PRODUCT AND SERVICE OFFERINGS | – Designer of experiences inspiring clients (Design thinking, Hackathons, open-innovation) – Framing offers in all of their components (business canvas, etc) – Marketing offers and services | tr>
FRAMEWORK, DEVELOP AND SUPERVISE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AGILE POCS | – Frame the POC: objectives, MVP, scope, market targets… – Manage development projects – Supervise the launch and the life of the POC – Monitor KPIs and perform feedback |
- Improving customer satisfaction and experience for a Cameroonian metal construction company.
- Two-year customer relationship master plan for a e-commerce.