The Thematic Evenings “WAT Times” are professional meetings, welcoming business executives and students from all disciplines and cultures who seek a deeper understanding of their business issues. Our mission is to Solve through Innovation to challenge established thinking and unlock ideas to develop the capabilities that will enable participants to gain a lasting advantage.
During the “WAT Times” evenings, we build a free knowledge exchange center with the most inspired experts, senior business executives and a community of curious minds to dialogue with ideas on the issues encountered. p>
In fact, everything we do with our meetings is driven by this objective: How can we better turn the difficulties and problems faced by companies into value for their customers and shareholders?

Innovation has never been as important as it is today, and the potential is enormous. In a competitive context and faced with the perpetual changes in their environment, companies are thinking about innovation which is essential to ensure their growth and development. We believe that, through innovation, companies can develop sustainable competitiveness. Thus, the “WAT Times” have been designed to become opportunities for meeting and debate, real and virtual.
By launching the thematic evenings, WAT Times, WAT&CO wants to promote exchanges around business issues. The main objective is to bring together inspired experts and business executives around a problem.
The common point of the participants, whom we take the time to select, is the search for a new world through Innovation and solution.
The WAT Times are scheduled monthly at a location that we determine at the beginning of each month.
The WAT Times are evenings organized by WAT&CO in partnership with other companies and professionals.
We welcome an intimate audience for a highly organized afternoon or evening, around a relevant issue at the National and/or Continental level. WAT Times are distinguished by their brevity (the art of saying the essential in a few words), their conversational possibilities and their increased interaction between the speaker, or speakers and the participants. This is why the number of participants is limited to 15 people.
Following observation of the business community, depending on the problems of a given sector, a theme is chosen. We are also open to proposals from companies. This is why our themes may change, since the objective for us is not to meet people, but to transform current problems into opportunities for the clients of the participants. The executives of companies in the sector are then invited, a meeting is held to highlight their challenges and expectations, then, an expert very inspired by the sector is selected to be the presenter of the meeting which will last 2 hours of time. Depending on the issues highlighted by future participants, it may have several speakers.
The presenter has 30 minutes to do a State of the Art, and present a solution to the problem. Then the participants have 60 minutes to discuss and exchange. Then the remaining 30 minutes are used for interactions between participants.