Define online audiences and activate the levers
If the secret of an efficient on line advertisement is to reach the good people with the good message, how to find the good people?
Imagine that you attend one match of soccer in a stage. The thousand and the thousands of other people are around you. While browsing the crowd, you see the men and women, some old and of very young others. You see people of ethnic inheritances, socioeconomic surroundings and different political tendencies. Some among them encourage your team and of others the other team. Some watch the match with a deep emotion while others speak with friends and don't grant a lot of attention to the match. In spite of these differences, at the moment, all these people have a common point: they live all one match of soccer to the same moment and to the same place. Now suppose that you have been put in charge of dividing all people in the stage in segments of audience targeted smaller. What criterias would you use to regroup people in a meaningful manner? Do you wish to raise the challenge while using traditional demographic data as the sex, age, the potential of gains and the place of residence? Or would use yourselves an approach of ciblage psychographique more and would divide them you according to their beliefs, attitudes and opinions or maybe of their religious preferences, policies, pastimes and life styles? The obvious answer to these questions is that it would depend entirely on what you try to accomplish long-term. The criterias that you would use would greatly depend on the no one with that wanted you the more to have a conversation. As specialists of the digital marketing, we must know more on what makes that the people that we consider as our customers behave as they make it. We must understand what they want and that of which they have need in their life. We must understand what problems they try to solve and how the solutions that we propose can help them. We must understand what makes them happy and unhappy before can identify efficiently that they are better and how we can help them.
In the numeric domain, the goal is never to reach everybody. Instead of it, we must identify and analyze all different parts that make the customer perfects for our products and services. We must know to what these people think, what misses in their life, what inspires them, that what they will answer and to what they identify the more. We must have a picture realistic of the way of which our products and services improve the life of people and how we can cultivate meaningful relations with these people so that when they are ready to buy, they buy at home. It is not an easy task. But there are some things that we can make to make the process more accessible. The first consists in identifying what to be a person means.
Think one instant about your own behavior. How do you take some decisions?
Often, the decisions are automatic and based on our biology. For example, we don't have to spend a lot of time weighing pros and cons to withdraw our hand from a hot frying pan. We don't have to remember to breathe consciously or to make beat our c.ur or to salivate. In the same way, a need despaired of sleep will end up managing of himself, that we decided or no to go in bed consciously.
Yet, we also live in a world in which we take the hundreds of decisions every day to maintain the comfort of our body and our environment. These go right side up of the scheduling of our next meal where we want to spend our next vacations to the types of relations that we want to develop. We weigh the things while using a combination of rational and motivational thoughts (at least for us). Because of what we already understand the process human décisionnel, we can often predict what an individual will make in some circumstances.
For example, the new parents can have a small idea of that that the daily process of education of the children their reserve indeed, but the experienced parents can predict the type of decisions that the new parents will take, that will answer best their needs easily. In numerous other daily situations, people lean on their previous experiences and their personal understanding of the world like foundation of their behavior and their decision making.
As specialists of the marketing, one of the biggest challenges to which we are confronted is to recognize that our customers don't look alike all. Each has an unique perspective on the world and is indeed an individual. And although this different people can share common features, it is again very difficult to get good results from countries that concentrate on some common features, as the sex, age. and localization
Then, how to identify and to define these unique and personal features? It is a good question.
One of the main challenges to which we are confronted as specialists of the digital marketing is to be able to define the needs, the interests, the attitudes, the opinions, the beliefs and the other perceptions of people that we try to reach on line. The main challenge doesn't come of the way of which we discern these prospects and customers but of the way of which they discern themselves themselves.
One of the main disconnections in most countries marketing in Africa is the idea that people can be defined easily on the data base demographic. We agree on the fact that the demographic data have a place in the marketing. However to know age, the slice of salary, the sex, localization and a consumer's matrimonial state rarely tells a meaningful history on the way of which this person lives and what motivates it to make some choices. The demographic data offer some data to the specialists of the marketing. Even though it is about precise data, is it about meaningful data? The answer to this question, as to most questions in digital marketing, is that it depends!
For the majority of the specialists of the digital marketing, the ciblage of the audience is essentially a case where the specialists of the digital marketing" fish where are fish ". As using the data, as localizations, the specialists of the marketing can determine the zones where live the most comfortable people. Does it mean that all those that live in a particular localization zone are comfortable? No. Does it mean that all those that live in this particular zone will be interested by the same offer? Probably not. But the data on localization give to the specialists of the marketing a place from which to throw their lines, even though they are not going to catch the whole fish. However, the main problem of this model is that it is based on waves generalizations. It is often incorrect to suppose that people living in a rich zone will be prepared more to buy a product. To suppose that a sporty magazine that concentrates on the cover of soccer will only interest the men is incorrect. To suppose that a new album left by a young group will only interest people of less than 25 years is also often incorrect. It doesn't mean that the specialists of the marketing cannot suppose without risk that the people who live in more comfortable zones have more money or that more men than are fans of soccer of women or that more of people of less than 25 years are fans of new music. But this type of reflection also ends up hindering the research of more precise means to touch the comfortable consumers who are interested in an offer. Of course, there are a lot of fans of soccer fascinated (and a lot of men who don't care about it), and there are a lot of people in about fifty who adore to hear to speak of new groups (and have more spending power than the young public).
Instead of making some generalizations on the tastes, the desires and the intentions while using points of too simple data, as age and the sex, it is not more logical to understand the composition of an extremely passionate soccer fan better, whatever are his/her sex or something else? It is not logical to market new music by all people who show that they are active purchasers of new exits, whatever is their age? Absolutely. The domain of the marketing numeric / digital deal to the advertisers and to the specialists of the marketing the possibility to stop guessing what their prospects and customers want and to learn instead how to answer these needs while asking the good questions, then while searching for the good data. With the Marketing automation, we can get a more complete picture of the individual consumers henceforth while asking the good questions on the needs, the interests and this consumer's intentions.
The psychographie is the personality's survey, of the values, the attitudes, the interests and the life styles. He/it is sometimes called IAO (for Interests, Attitudes and Opinions) ciblage. Although the psychographie offers a deeper and richer means to analyze the human behavior, it is also more complicated because, contrary to the more traditional demographic ciblage, the variables used to identify the individual features of personality are omnipresent. But the good news is that, because every consumer is unique, the research of feature that helps to define the needs and a person's interests bring closer us a lot of the establishment of a meaningful direct tie with this person.
It is one of the reasons for which we have create at WAT&CO the service of MARKETING AUTOMATION.
The marketing automation designates the automation of countries marketing triggered by a set of conditions predefined widely speaking and according to the user's behavior. It is possible to automate the consignment of emails, of sms, the segmentation of contact, the lead scoring or the lead nurturing.
In most enterprises, the teams marketing and commercial are charged to transform the prospects in faithful customers. The startups doesn't sometimes have any. Even though there are some teams, they are for most committed in several countries marketing all along the year. It doesn't leave them the time to concentrate on efforts of innovating marketing, what returns the tasks of more difficult marketing. The automation of the tasks with the services of MARKETING AUTOMATION made you win of the time. It also helps you to reduce the costs of service and increase the development of the leads to the automatic pilot.
Differently of email marketing, the marketing automation sends automatic emails and targeted (one to one), triggered by precise actions of your contacts. It is therefore about more appropriate messages and calibrated individually for every user according to his/her/its progress in the client course. Especially, the marketing automation doesn't limit itself to the consignment of emails: you can also use it to add your contacts automatically to specific lists of consignment according to their actions, to assign them a score in your basis of data, and a lot of other ways to refine your relation with your most committed users.
We provide powerful solutions of automation of the marketing according to the needs of your enterprise and let's make the superior level pass your enterprise. We already helped several enterprises to throw and to execute with success their campaigns of automation of the marketing with the best solutions according to their commercial needs. Speak to our experts since today if you wish to target your prospects according to their interaction with your mark. Get the tools and the techniques of automation of the easy marketing to use to promote and to develop your enterprise in this highly competitive world. Some of the services of automation of the marketing in which we excel include :
Mautic integration: Mautic is a platform of automation of the very powerful marketing that allows you to rationalize your efforts of marketing and facilitate the generation of quality leads. When he/it is combined with WooCommerce, Mautic becomes again more presenting. A demo here
Fixing of objectives and strategy: our value your type of enterprise carefully, your existing and biggest customers actors of your industry before developing the strategy of automation of the marketing that opens new ways for your enterprise.
Segmentation of the clientele: The segmentation of the clientele is a necessary practice to follow for the automated marketing, because it not only helps you to conquer new customers, but also to regain the old that have left you. Our team will help you to understand the course of purchase of your customer and to take some decisions consequently.
Management of the leads: Make use of the last strategies of automation of the marketing and reach the prospects as well as the faithful customers in order to oblige them to come back again and again on your Web site. These streamlined processes are put in .uvre of the period of meadow-purchase to the period of post-purchase for the maturation and the management of the leads.
Ciblage targeted: when that you know your future customers and understand their preferences of purchase, you must present your product or service to the prospects that is interested in your products and services. If your product reaches the good customer to the good moment of manner targeted, the odds to convert some strangers in faithful customers increase exponential way.
Why collaborate with us?
At WAT&CO, we believe in the improvement of the activities of our customers for their customers. Of the research of new prospects to the simplification of the process of purchase of your customers, we provide services adapted to your experiences customer. We help you to plan a campaign of automation of the marketing, to use planners of tasks and to put in .uvre these campaigns of automation marketing. In a word, we develop solutions of numeric marketing of tip in tip that solve all commercial challenges centered on the customer for our customers.