Six driving forces of the digital revolution
The middle of the business in Africa Zone CIMA is dived currently in an enormous numeric tornado that revolutionizes the way whose enterprises make some business. The supposedly numeric revolution is characterized by an unceasing digitalization of the enterprises and the climbing of the electronic trade, whereas the new generation of internauts becomes even more mobile, interacts and do some transactions. The numeric whirlwind already shook some industries as the journeys, music, the retail trade, the bank and the medias. But other traditional industries are also threatened as the energy, health, and even agriculture and the insurances.
In this context, for he/it has been asked me by one of my customers, to study the potential impact of the numeric disruption for some industries and the 14 countries of the Zone CIMA. One of the findings is that the numeric disruption in 95% of luck would displace in place about 60% of the enterprises before 2030.
It says, there won't be industry that can sit down anymore and wait. Every enterprise must analyze the impact of the digitalisation therefore on his/her/its manner to make some business.
But I can already share here the six driving forces of the numeric revolution :
1 - the numeric technology
The numeric technology is the motor of the numeric revolution because it doesn't seem to have no limit there to the size and to the speed of the data that can be created, stocked and communicated. Concerning creation of data, the performances constantly increasing some integrated circuits allowed them to double their performances every 18 months whereas the price has been divided by two every 2 years, more or less, since the years 1960.
2 - the mobile communication
This capacity of the network contributed to the explosion of the mobile communications because in 2016, more than 90% of the population use a telephone cellular GSMA, 2016 not only to pass some calls, but for a big variety of applications, including the messaging, the hold of photos, the games, to make the purchases, to do some payments and to make some business. In 2020, the expeditions of smartphones passed the personal computers. In many countries of the CIMA zone, the smartphones passes the portable computers as most popular device to connect on line.
3-the social networks
The social medias are a relatively new phenomenon in the numeric world, but they knew an exponential growth in CIMA zone with more of 18 millions of active users per month on Facebook, 19 millions of users on WhatsApps and 3 millions of LinkedIn users, one of the biggest social medias to the world, in 2020 (We Social are 2020). The social networks allow these millions of users to exchange the ideas, the experiences, the pictures, the information, instantaneously etc. via their device favorite Internet.
4-the instantaneous data (in real time)
These instantaneous data and in available real time on Internet represent a quantity incredible of information, sometimes named "big dated." End 2015, the total traffic of data on Internet was close to a zettaoctet, either a billion of gigabytes (Cisco 2016). Besides, Internet evolves toward what Cisco describes as the Internet of the Objects (IoT) with the connection in network of people, processes, data and objects. These connections are of about 14 billions in 2020 and they will redefine the dynamics of whole industries, because the small enterprises can vie henceforth more easily with the big world enterprises. More and more enterprises resort to the numeric technologies, as the analytic, the mobility, the solutions cloud and the Internet of the objects (IoT), to anchor their process of transformation. According to the report Digital Vortex 2019 published by IMD and Cisco, 88% of the controlling settings estimate that the numeric disruption will have a major or transforming impact on their sector of activity, against only 27% some 2015.
5 - the virtual platform (cloud)
The cloud computing also contributes to an acceleration of the numeric revolution because it accelerates the virtualisation of the world thanks to Internet. The cloud computing provides resources of treatment and data shared to the computers and other devices to the demand. He/it has been developed to the origin for the enterprises in order to minimize the quantity of material that they had to acquire to calculate and to stock some data. But these last years, the cloud computing became also very important for the individual users because they don't need storage of physical data anymore. They use some servers cloud merely. Whereas the technology is available since the years 1980, the services cloud didn't know a radical expansion that lately with the launching of Elastic Computes Cloud Amazon by in 2006, the exit of azure Microsoft by in 2010 and the introduction of Google Cloud by Google. Other suppliers joined the scrum then, notably Oracle, IBM and SAP for example. In 2016, to he/it has been demonstrated that the adoption of the cloud increased considerably with a growth of the market and a considerable increase of the incomes for all suppliers of cloud (Colombus 2016).
6-the startups / venture capital (VC)
Finally, The numeric revolution is also fed by an army of innovating startups financed by many and rich funds of venture capital. If it is impossible to identify all numeric startups in Africa Zone CIMA, he/it agrees to note that in the world that an increase of the number of" unicorns had ", since 2016. The unicorns are private enterprises valued to 1 billion of dollars or more as Xiaomi, Palantir and Flipkart (Fortune 2016). In 2016, 14 unicorns are valued to more of 10 billions of dollars (CB insight 2016).
Of the point of seen world, the digitalisation of the economy saw the emergence of a new category of competitors: the" numeric disrupters ". They make use of the numeric innovation to dislodge their competitors mainly in the physical world while remodeling the markets. It is among others about the GAFAM, NATU, BATX. In Africa Zone CIMA, of numerous other less known numeric enterprises, including could become "unicorns" and also to disrupt the traditional enterprises existing before 2030.
Makes interesting, a numeric disrupter can beat the traditional leaders in their own market and this in any sector and can minimize the strengths of the leaders, to know the existing customers, a strong financial lever and a powerful mark picture. Indeed, the Disrupters are capable to capture a large basis of customers quickly, but they can also increase quickly the access to important funds as Healthlane that has just made a levee of bottom of 1.3 billion of XAF; and they can also reach a strong mark picture. Besides, the Disrupters represent a big danger for the competitors because of their capacity to transform their enormous basis of platforms of users verses very quickly new markets: Amazon entered with success in various categories of retail trade before becoming a champion of the cloud; Google passed with success on the market of the smartphones with Android; WhatsApp allows the free calls henceforth; Orange is in competition with the banks with Orange Bank, to mention some examples only.