Conseil Assurtech
Our customer is an assurtech, subsidiary of a big bancassureur, that develops products of innovating insurance dedicated to the actors of the e-trade and the on line distribution. She/it is in full commercial development and must deliver an ambitious roadmap of new products of insurance and assure the implémentation of the distribution contracts signed.
Our customer solicited WAT&CO Ltd to assure the justification of a wallet of projects, of which the answer to a call of offers for the account of a major marketplace and the possible bets in market of more than 10 products of insurance affinitaire under a delay of 3 months.
Answer to the call of offers :
-Analysis of the profitability of the program: Bonuses, sinistralités and commissionnement
-Accompaniment in the determination of the new diagram of commissionnement and involvement to the profits, projection on 3 years and construction of the Plane Business
-Accompaniment in the construction of the commercial proposition: Remuneration for the different actors & definition of the different terms
Following the acceptance of the commercial proposition, put in market of the 10 products of insurance :
-Piloting of the legal works: writing of the collective insurance contract and the financial protocol & writing of the documents to the customer (NOR, IPID.)
-Piloting of works bound reporting: identification of the technical, legal needs, and of piloting, writing of the need expression and accompaniment in the setting up of the indicators
-Piloting and follow-up of the works of the administrative broker bound to the setting up of the process bound to the disasters and the funding and ascent of the fluxes of data