To the era of the digital, the needs and requirements of the customers and the different taking parts grow more and more quickly and evolve from day to day. He/it is then difficult for an entity to reinvent itself/themselves and to satisfy their customers non-stop. To have a solution digital ERP and CRM becomes therefore fundamental to optimize his/her/its operations and to carry through his/her/its activities of marketing digital impactantes. Again it is necessary to choose the good solution and the implémenter in an optimal manner. We present here the case of an organization benefit of the services of decoration and sale of the decorative products: EVAMAT HOME. Our mission was to accompany it in the spreading of an ERP and a CRM adapted. It is in this optics that to the course of this mission we collaborated with this enterprise that also makes in the retail. Step by step, we also guided it in the redefinition of digital elements to submit him precise recommendations based on a detailed internal analysis and the understanding of his/her/its market.
In brief
-An analysis of the evolution of the market and a diagnosis of the present internal situation
-The setting up of concrete digital objectives
-A new design of the client course in his/her/its experience of purchase
-A precise roadmap of the future actions to undertake for implémenter the new digital strategy
-The definition of the new roles and responsibilities necessary to the spreading of the new digital activities
-Of the recommendations to sustain the enterprise in his/her/its digital transformation
-The setting up of KPIs permitting to value the impact of the digital transformation
-An analysis of the needs and the processes in force
-The creation of a solution web to order, intuitive and evolutive
-A key delivered platform in hand and implémentée in one record time
-A formation on the use of the platform developed
-A service of support
-A support as well to a strategic level that operational
-Of the recommendations and a setting in based .uvre on a deepened analysis
-The reduction of the impact on the activity thanks to a hold in hand of the entirety of the project (preparation, scheduling, analyses, formation, administration, etc.)
-A result making the unanimity and satisfactory the set of the taking parts
-A reinforced digital presence
-A better balance between the on line client service and the one in boutique
-A better understanding of the client course
-The improvement of the experience Customer
-The increase of the turnover
-The improvement of the IT processes
-The optimization of the human resources (to make more with the same resources)
-A digital transformation in only some days
-An innovation implémentée without impacter the other activities of the structure
-A bigger capacity of management of the files of subsidy demands and the reduction of the answer delays
-A project led serenely in spite of the context of emergency
-A solution permitting to palliate an unpublished and uncertain situation
In detail
The sanitary measures create new challenges for undertaken them
If the stakes are different according to the sectors and the domains of activities, him in home not less that it is the whole economic and social cloth that is impacté by the measures of struggle against the Covid -19. For what is enterprises of retail, strength is to note that much are not always ready to answer the new requirements of an unforeseeable environment. The challenges are numerous and touch different structures going from the Big enterprises to the micro-enterprises while passing by the SME and TPE. They face problematic news, impactant the organization as ever before.
In this context, a Cameroonian enterprise: EVAMAT HOME, wished mutualiser some resources. The promoters, not being there, wanted to control their activity from afar of a quoted and also to adopt the tools that are at a time easy, efficient and fast. Their ambition was to develop common activities in tie with the digital marketing in the goal to promote the activities of the whole network. To succeed in positioning itself/themselves and to find a balance perfects in our environment that didn't reach his/her/its numeric maturity again, can appear complicated. It is in this context, and with a lot of waiting, that our customer solicited our appraisal.
This Cameroonian enterprise was active in the B2C sale and B2B and established since several years. The Direction realizing a digital unbalance, he/it was notably crucial for her to review the way to interact with the customers so that they are satisfied with their experience by the enterprise. The goal first was therefore, above all, to put the customer with the heart of our operations.
An objective and global vision to find the solution the more adapted
The décisionnaires of HOME EVAMAT solicited us (alias our customer) to sustain them in the choice and the implémentation of an ERP / CRM solution. Thanks to our knowledge in organization, in digitalisation and in marketing, our team had expertises to understand the customer's waiting and to propose an adapted solution. Our intervention was going to take place in two phases: a first phase of analysis whose objective was to recommend the most applicable digital solution. Then, a second phase, during which we were going to conduct a" pilot project" in order to implémenter the solution selected within the enterprise. This second phase had to permit to value what the implémentation represented concretely in terms of resources, formation and level of adherence of the tool by the users in view of a global implémentation within the network.
A solution to reduce the overcharge of work
Our experts in organization went therefore to the meeting of the stakeholders in order to harvest the information concerning their needs and their waiting. Concretely, to face also an increase of the wage costs, it was necessary to value resources to disposition, to review the process-profession and to adapt the tools to the size of the operations. After having made a fast state of the places, we noted that to digitize the dedicated activity was the most optimal solution. We proposed the creation and the implémentation of a digital platform therefore to order: an ERP and a CRM.
Indeed, an ERP / CRM was going to permit to centralize the data, to facilitate the follow-up and the management of the customers and purchases, and to optimize resources to disposition. We harvested the necessary information to define" the client course" and the activity of the collaborators, between the generation of the demand customer and the delivery, better. Once this clearly definite process, our digital team created a prototype of the solution: a solution web, to the temperate design, whose use would be as well simple and intuitive for the user (used, bip management) that for the customers.
The after-transformation: the final stage that permits to remain coherent on the long-term
To accompany this digital transformation, it was primordial to concentrate on the management of the change. It implied the way whose different taking parts were ready to welcome the new digital trajectory of the enterprise for example. Let's hear by there that he/it agreed among others to train people so that they are not lost, to accompany those that don't accept this transformation and to permit to reach the definite objectives.
In numbers
3 interviews for the harvest of information
1 platform web to order: ERP / CRM
8 days of development
1 session of formation
1 digital strategy
1 plan of action
1 site of e-trade
1 strategy of management of the change
1 plan of alignment of the digital strategy to all activities of the enterprise
2 months of project