Marketing survey
To value the potential of a new market and to get some recommendations to develop his/her/its activity there, here is the mission that a big international enterprise confided us. Activate in the sector of the telecommunications, this society wished to know the level of maturity of the market of the Smart Citieses in Cameroon. Of the analyses whose results had for objective to help our customer in the hold of future strategic decisions.
To value the maturity of a market targets to Cameroon and the potential of development of the business
-An analysis of the market supported by quantitative and qualitative data
-Of the clear and concrete answers to the customer's questionings
-Of the recommendations on the axes of development to privilege
-The formulation of several strategies possible of entry on the market
-A clear and objective vision of the situation on the market
-Of the factual information and structured constituent a support of help to the hold of strategic decisions
In detail
To be the first arrived on a new market, a dream for many entrepreneurs
To be proactif, to dare to explore new tracks and to take some risks to invest in the development of the business is as many fundamental elements to succeed in being the first arrived on a market. It is also indispensable to have a clear vision and of the competent resources to value the demand and the real potential that the market represents in question.
To study the maturity of a market to surround the opportunities better
To value the potential of a new market, it is what to make one of our customers wished. This big European enterprise, activate in the development of new technologies of information and the communication since close to 40 years had opened a subsidiary to Cameroon in the beginning of the years 2000. To answer his/her/its strategy of growth, she/it had chosen the diversification.
The combination of quantitative and qualitative data to reflect the reality of the market better
Before starting the harvest of data, we made some research to surround the activity of our customer and his/her/its positioning better then put the setting of the mission. We harvested different types of data :
-A harvest of qualitative data: it was about interviews led with professionals of the branch, identified within our network. Of the profiles knew like being inescapable actors of the sector, working as well for private enterprises that public
-A harvest of quantitative data: the objective was to gather data descended of different sources: reports, study, publications, statistics, etc.
With the help of a methodology and tools of analyses descended of the audit Development of the Business WAT&COS, we conducted an analysis of the data harvested then. It was mainly about studying :
-The demand: who are the potential customers and what are their needs?
-The offer: What are the actors and the offers already present on the market? Under what shapes are the services proposed? What place would our customer be able to occupy?
A complete report that clearly answers the customer's questionings
The set of the analyses and results gotten have been compiled in reports. one synthetic, the other suit. and presented to the Directors. Thanks to processes that gave their proofs, of the experienced consultants and a particularly extended network, our work permitted to the customer to get concrete answers.
The different analyses tracks allowed us to identify the level of maturity of the market as well as his/her/its potential. In this case, our survey confirmed that the market of the Smart Citieses in Switzerland was some only to his/her/its beginnings and that the demand was there again very little developed. Important constraints in tie with legal and social aspects constituted a brake to the development of the market. However, the absence of actors ready to answer this demand constituted a real opportunity: because of the complexity of the sector and the necessity to be active in several technological, rare domains (5G, security, electricity, etc.) are the enterprises that could pretend to occupy leader's position in order to answer if need be newborn of the cities concerning digitalisation.
In conclusion, for the strategy of growth of our customer, to develop the activities concerned on the market Cameroonian represented an interesting option. Thus, we presented him a list of the most applicable axes of development.
In numbers
5 qualitative interviews with key people of the sector
4 workshops with the customer
51 documents of references for the quantitative research
11 axes of possible and applicable development identified
5 months of project
In the finality
Whatever is the sector, the environment and the potential of the enterprises, the entry on new markets requires a previous analysis. And, as pictorial in this case, this last will be especially meaningful if she/it rests at a time on data quantitative and qualitative.
Our intervention had for goal to allow our customer to get used a first idea of the maturity of the market in Cameroon and to explore the existing possibilities. He/it had henceforth in hand all information to take the best strategic decisions in order to make grow his/her/its activities.