Tailor-made training
The performance of the new collaborators depends in part on the manner of which they are formed to their arrival in the organization. It is for example about forming them on the tools, the processes or the life of the organization. An aspect sometimes neglected that can generate a relatively consequent supplementary wage costs. To remedy this situation, one of our customers, a big international group, mandated us to create a formation to order and digitized, in this sanitary crisis context. A means to optimize the formation of his/her/its new collaborators.
To conceive and to achieve a digital formation to prepare the new collaborators better
An unique, modern formation concept and adapted to the customer's specific needs
A digital and interactive Syllabus (videos, quizz and numeric educational supports)
A new platform of e-learning
A system of assessment
A service digitized that the customer can open out easily and make evolve according to his/her/its future needs
An optimization of resources and processes bound to the formation
A professionalization of the organization
The centralization of the knowledge and the know-how
A better integration of the new collaborators
A system of formation little effective: a weakness in the international organization
A big active international group in the tertiary and composed sector of several subsidiaries relocated was in full growth. In order to optimize the costs, the performance and reactivity, the platform mobile money of the group and subsidiaries were managed and developed by a dedicated department, situated at the head office. This digital department had for mission to place at disposal a platform of mobile money for the set of his/her/its subsidiaries and to assure the services of digital marketing associated (optimization of the conversion rate, improvement of the référencement among others). Every month, new collaborators were recruited in different countries. These new resources had to be formed to the use of the platform and tools associated but also to the use of the specific means of communication permitting to optimize the fluxes of communication between the subsidiaries and the digital department. However, the system of formation was in place faltering. He/it was not adapted to the size of the group, to his/her/its ambitions and to his/her/its identity. This faille of the organization generated many superfluous exchanges notably between the new collaborators and the digital department, of the mistakes in the activity and processes non respected. A situation that entailed a supplementary wage costs therefore.
Conscious of these difficulties and the necessity to increase the level in terms of formation, the RH service mandated our team to sustain it to order in the conception and the realization of a formation, destined to the new collaborators. In collaboration with the different subsidiaries, we defined the needs and the waiting. It was about creating an educational course aiming to train the new employees on the used on the one hand tools, and to familiarize them to the working of the organization and to the different internal processes on the other hand. Our intervention had to allow the customer to have a formation that it could open out easily and to make evolve then according to the future changes. It was also essential to be able to follow the evolution of the training of the learners and to collect their commentaries in the optics to improve the process thereafter.
A formation to order to answer the customer's specific needs
Quickly, the perspective of a digital formation based on a platform of e-learning imposed itself like being the most optimal. From there, we developed the formation of HAS to Z including the conception of an educational course, the harvest of the information by the taking parts, the creation of the suitable content as well as a system of assessment of the knowledge.
Concretely, the achieved formation consisted in a set of video and digital contents, created to order and distribute in several modules. The set of these elements covered the educational course of the new collaborators and was gathered by themes. They permitted to form them at a time on the technologies and tools bound to their profession and used to the daily, but also on the processes of communication, the products and services as well as on the life of the organization. All modules were accessible via a platform specifically conceived for the e-learning in collaboration with one of our partners: DiGIT Ltd an enterprise of the services of the numeric. Every new recruited collaborator could have access thus on the news, to form itself/themselves to his/her/its rhythm and according to his/her/its needs, then to value his/her/its knowledge thanks to tests.
To the term of our mission, we delivered therefore to order to the customer a formation respondent to his/her/its needs and presenting many advantages: the content was consumed quickly, playful and available" to the card ".
In numbers
6 months of project
1 platform of e-learning implémentée
1 educational course
10 modules of formation including tests of knowledge
15 minutes of formation by module as video and quizz
+15 collaborators formed
In the finality
Our experts in formation and in Strategic Transformation knew to deliver a work of quality of it spaces it of some months in order to digitize an important service and to optimize resources of the organization. The created formation permitted to be able to form the set of the new collaborators more quickly from then on and in an equitable manner. Who more are, the created content and the developed platform not only permitted to centralize information but constituted also a means to capture and to share the know-how, the values and the mission of the group.