Course prospect
Major actor of the sale of the food products in Cameroon, the customer is competed very on the market of the sale of the fat matters of plant origin by the client B2B, activity that is to the c.ur of his/her/its business models
To define the Prospect course targets, the process associated of management of the prospects and the functional specifications of the future PRM tool for the entities Africans of the group.
-Realization of Prospects / Customers interviews to establish a diagnosis of the courses and behaviors of the Prospectses / Customers and identifications of loaf points.
-Realization of a diagnosis of the objectives business and the process of prospecting for every entity to identify the best practices.
-Development in shop of idéation of the Prospect course targets by persona, the process of prospecting targets and of the needs in data and reporting partners.
-Definition of the functional needs of the PRM tool and writing of the functional specifications.