Internet in 2021, in Africa CIMA zone
2020, following the sanitary crisis, will have been marked by deep distress of the economic models, and of the new incoming to the very disruptive approaches. 2021 should be the year of the realism. The hour is not anymore to the strategic incantations, but well to the setting in .uvre of new models operational, conciliatory the integration of the numeric, the development of partnerships with the young actors of the digital and a better collaboration between the different entities of the enterprise.
Statistics 2021 in Africa Zone CIMA
According to the last statistics of We social are, in CIMA zone, we add more 56 Millions of people, regularly connected to internet some 2021.
In mobile telephony term we have:
More 169 826 600 active Smartphoneses
More than 148 000 000 smartphones active android
More than 16 600 000 smartphones active IOS
The system android remains the more used. Concerning mobile development, the priority should be therefore the platform android.
In term of social networks:
-More of 23 100 000 of people in CIMA zone connect to the social networks
-More of 25 000 000 of people use their smartphones to connect to the social networks.
-Facebook remains the first social network with more of 21 170 000 subscribers, then Instagram with close to 5 000 000 subscribers, then LinkedIn with 3 700 000 subscribers, and Twitter with 700 000 subscribers about.
In term of transaction financial, while only considering the population aged of more than 15 years, we are more than 21 385 900 internauts to make on line financial transactions in Africa zones CIMA.
Following the sanitary crisis, and seen these statistics, in 2021, the digital transformation can limit itself more to a digitalisation of surface of the activities. The enterprises understood it by strength in 2020 with the imposed confinement and multiplied the digital initiatives on the topics of the relation customer and data. However, it is well more that the digitalisation of the existing process that is in game, but the reinvention of the thingumajig models.
In order to not to make itself/themselves outdistance by the pure players, the traditional enterprises must remain in the race of the innovation. The big actors must learn to see the startups henceforth as partners of choice to accelerate the innovation, and in particular the innovation that comes in rupture in relation to their traditional professions. To change sufficiently quickly is not easy in an international group.
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